Sunday, December 25, 2005


Last wednesday Rudy and me did some plyo. Arno was back on the track and it was good to have him there. After the training we went to France, to Rudy's parents. They live in a little village (Longpré les Corps Saints) 30km from Amiens.

The day after we took the train to the national sportcenter of France (INSEP). Rudy is going to INSEP once a month to train pole vault with Sébastien Levicq (former decathlete = +8500 points and 5.60m PV).
I did some pole vault myself as well. I have trained for PV before but it was a long time ago. Unfortunately I could not test how high I could jump because the bar was on Rudy's height.
After the PV-session we ran 8*100. That was hard because I had to run sub 13.0 and I only had 90 sec recovery.

INSEP is a really nice center with a huge indoor accommodation. The hall excists of a 330m round track, which is flat. In that track there is a 60m sprinttrack, a 160m roundtrack and a cycle track next to eachother. It's possible to run 110m straight. Then there is a room for weights.

Rudy told me that Christine Arron, Ladji Doucouré, Ronald Pognon and several other French stars are training there daily.

After the training we went to our room. And that was a big disappointment. I truly had the feeling that I arrived in a prison in eastern Europe but then 50 years ago. The room and the shower were dirty and without flip-flops I didn't dare to walk around. ABout the toilets: It's enough to say that we had to share with 10 other rooms.
Fortunately they will renovate the whole complex for 110 milion Euro and the dormitory is on top of the list. Plus we were in the worse part of the center. All the other blocks were already renovated.

The next day we had to get up very early because the breakfast was only until 08:00. Rudy did some PV again and I did some hurdles. After that we took the train to Amiens to do a maximum weights session.
I had a lot of muscle pain because of the running session the day before so weights was hard, but i had good marks in the test and I'm on schedule.

Yesterday (saturday) I did an 800 session. It went pretty easy (for as far as possible) and I was happy.
Then we went to Rudy's aunt to celebrate Christmass Eve. This year is the first year I celebrated X-mass without my own family and that is pretty weird. But his family is really nice and it gives me a lot of opportunity to practice my French. So hopefully in next year I can speak three languages fluently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'est encore Joël de Bourges. Dis bonjour de ma part au papa de Rudy. Comme Rudy devait apprendre le hollandais je craignais que tu abandonnes l'apprentissage du français. Je suis rassuré sur ce point et c'est une excellente nouvelle pour tes fans français

February 15, 2006 12:44 PM  

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