Laurien Hoos - Heptathlete

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I thought I just had a cramp on the last day in South Africa, but the physio examined me and said I had a light pull. So I didn't train for more then a week.

Yesterday I was treated by the physio again (for the 3th time in 6 days) and the muscle was completely healed. So from now on I canb start training again.

I wanted to start my indoor season in Nogent-dur-Oise, last sunday, but I couldn't. And I'm also on the starting list in Groningen (hurdles duathlon) but I will skip that one, to give my muscle time to get used to 'working' again.

My first competition will be in the weekend of 4-5 februari. The week after I willdo the international combined events meeting in Prague. And on the 18th of februari I will do the National Championships individual events.

Because I will only do a short indoor season I will go back in training after the nationals.
Hopefully with some good results in Gotzis.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Climate shock

Only when you train in warm weather for a couple of weeks you realise how cold, wet and annoying the Dutch weather is.
As you might understand: I'm back in Holland!!

I had a very good training camp. I trained hard and good and as important: I learned a lot.

I've been watching other people train and that was very interesting.

Today will be just a short message, because I have to study for my exams and do a lot of administrative work with my parents.
Speak soon

Monday, January 09, 2006

Long time

It's been a long time since I wrote something in English. But here is the latest update.
First of all I want to wish everybody a very happy new year.

The 2nd of January I left for South-Africa. Not a bad choice as it is 30 degrees here and very nice to train.
I'm here for 2 weeks en de 1st week went very well. I had several training pb's and training in general is going so much better then last year.

Yesterday we had a resting day and Arno, Rudy and me rented a car to do some sight-seeing.
South-Africa has such a pretty nature. It's really incredible.
We went to see parts of Cape-town (some parts 3x as Arno was to proud to ask directions ;-)), we visited the penguins in Simon's Town (and while everyone was watching at a little group of penguins coming out of the water, Rudy was zooming in on two penguins who where busy making baby's).

After that we went to Cape of Good Hope and Cape point...... In one word: WOW!!

I only have one week to go (time flies when you are having fun), but i'm really looking forward to the indoor season

See you next time