Laurien Hoos - Heptathlete

Friday, April 28, 2006

It's been a while

It's been a while since I wrote something on my site, but I had good reason:

After one week of very good training on Gran Canaria (I was in better shape than I expected to be after my quadricep injury) it went wrong on wednesdag 19th of april.
During a javelin session I didn't see a little ditch and before I knew I was laying on the ground. Twisted my ankle badly.
So I went to the hospital and luckely there was nothing broken.

I flew back to Holland the saturday after to see Dr Heijboer on monday. Because my ankle was swollen en bruised on the inside and outside, he decided a MRI-scan had to be made to see what happened.

Today I had that MRI, and it turned out that I torn some ligaments in my ankle. That was kind of a relief because it could have been worse. But it is still a messed up, because the season starts soon and now I have to wait (again) before I start competitions.

I'm facing a period of rehabilitation to fix my ankle. The Doctor said it is an injury that will cure completely and it will cure good. So I will be back.

I didn't inform you all earlier because I wanted to give the right information and no speculation from any kind.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

ready to go

Well, all suitcases are packed.... I'm ready to go to the sun.
The last couple of weeks the weather ha snot been really fantastic. Lots of wind and low temperatures are not really ideal to train in.
But the next three weeks it will all be a lot better.

Yesterday I had my last hurdle session. That went pretty well. We are moving up to 10 hurdles now and that is new for me in this time a year. But it's a good thing, cause last year I lost time in the last 3 hurdles in every race.

Well, next message will be posted in Gran Canaria. See ya

Saturday, April 08, 2006

They say it's spring, I don't believe them!

People say it's spring. For me spring means nice sunny weather, better temperatures etcetc. Well, here in Holland we don't have anything of that. Its rainy, it's cold and all of that is very annoying. That's why i am so very happy to go warm weather training soon. 3 weeks in the sun.

Although the weather does not really cooperate with me, training is going really well. Especially my running sessions are going very well.
I'm doing a lot of jumping work as well, but still not full 100%. In the sun I can pick up all this work much better.
At the moment we are busy getting my body conditioned again. 2 months of injury really gets you (even when you can do some training).

After the short conditioning period we will really pick up the technical stuff. And do some more competitions related work.
Well the 12th of april is the day..... that's when I change rainy Holland for the Sunny Canary Islands.....