Friday, April 28, 2006

It's been a while

It's been a while since I wrote something on my site, but I had good reason:

After one week of very good training on Gran Canaria (I was in better shape than I expected to be after my quadricep injury) it went wrong on wednesdag 19th of april.
During a javelin session I didn't see a little ditch and before I knew I was laying on the ground. Twisted my ankle badly.
So I went to the hospital and luckely there was nothing broken.

I flew back to Holland the saturday after to see Dr Heijboer on monday. Because my ankle was swollen en bruised on the inside and outside, he decided a MRI-scan had to be made to see what happened.

Today I had that MRI, and it turned out that I torn some ligaments in my ankle. That was kind of a relief because it could have been worse. But it is still a messed up, because the season starts soon and now I have to wait (again) before I start competitions.

I'm facing a period of rehabilitation to fix my ankle. The Doctor said it is an injury that will cure completely and it will cure good. So I will be back.

I didn't inform you all earlier because I wanted to give the right information and no speculation from any kind.


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