Thursday, March 09, 2006

World Championships

Since monday I'm back on the most southern point of the North Pole: it's called Holland.
Monday I spoke to the doktor about my rehabilitation and we decided to give it 2 more weeks to recover.
But i could start i new episode in that recovery. I can expand my running and start to do some light weights for my legs.... Result: muscle pain for a day.

The rest of my training days I fill up with circuits, core stability, striding etc... Busy but not the kind of training that I would like to do.

The good thing is that I paid the last debts I had at the travel agency. 3900 euro's (for 8 people, so it's not that much) lighter in my bank account. So now Gran Canaria is paid and i'm looking forward to it. Rudy, JJ and me are flying on the 12th, my throwing coach comes on the 19th with his group and Arno flies on the 6th. We are staying untill the 3rd of may.

3 weeks of warm wheater will be good for me.

Tuesday Arno called to say the federation received an invitation for me for the WC, but as you all know: I can't go. I will be sitting behind the tv to watch and to cheer for Karin (Ruckstuhl). She is in good shape and has a chance to win the gold medal.
Karin, Good luck!!!!!!

I hope I will be back on the track this summer with some good results.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonjour Laurien,
Merci beaucoup de donner aussi régulièrement de tes nouvelles. Garde bien le moral et prends le temps de bien te soigner.Tu as bien de la chance de partir au soleil. Profites en bien !!!

March 10, 2006 9:34 AM  

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