Friday, November 03, 2006

medical check up

Yesterday I had my medical check-up at the Sports physician.
That was also the check to see if I was allowed to do everything with my ankle again. The last few weeks went very well, but I always want to know for sure.

The Doctor turned me inside out and couldn't find one defect. Everything was good. Even my calfes were the same size (for the first time since 7 months).
I also had to do a Cybex-test to see how my quadriceps and hamstring function at the moment. Last year there was a huge difference because of my knee injury. So he told me to work hard.
This year there was hardly any difference any more and both of my legs were a lot stronger than last year.

So I'm allowed to start serious wintertraining.
So today I did weights and hurdles. Tomorrow throwing and long jump are on the schedule.
I'm happy I'm back on the track, but I realise I still need to be carefull, because injuries are easy to get.
I'm looking forward to train hard and to compete... But first things first: training.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonjour Laurien,
Il semble que tu aies changé d'adresse internet alors je profite de ton blog. Je suis Très heureux de lire tes bonnes nouvelles. Je croise les doigts en espérant que tu vas pouvoir enfin t' entraîner très dur sans avoir l'inquiétude de te blesser.
J' espère que Rudy, ta famille et la sienne, vous allez bien.
joël Velut

November 07, 2006 2:02 AM  

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